Ultrastructural changes of the peribacteriod membranes of the pea root nodules during development were observed by transmission electron microscopy. Observations show the peribacteriod membranes are various comparing developments. The bacteria in the infection threads are without peribacteroid membranes but the bacteroids liberated from the infection threads to the host cytoplasm possess the special structure which derive from the host plasma membrane. In general, the peribacteroid membranes are smaller in size, their surfaces are smoother, and there is one bacteroid enclosed by each peribacteroid membrane. As the time goes on, the peribacteroid membranes gradually become more extensive than before, some Golgi bodies and endoplasmic reticulum often locate near the peribacteroid membranes, some of which are excreting vesicles, at the same time, there are some fibrillar-shaped and vesiclar-shaped material in the electron-empty spaces of the bacteroids. When the peribacteroid membranes spread to the host cytoplasm, their surfaces often form some protrusions or hollows, and occure chimera phenomenon, then some of the chimera peribacteroid membranes fuse together, forming a new fusion body which possesses a common peribacteroid membrane and electronempty space. However, the peribacteroid membrane fusion is a kind of asymmetric fusion, it usually only appear in nearly mature or mature infected cells. The peribacteroid membrane fusion may be closely related to nitrogen fixation and material exchange in symbiotic system.
Acta Microbiologica Sinica
Pea root nodule
Peribacteroid membrane
Chimera and fusion