本研究希望透过分析中央政府和天津市政府在天津经济发展中作用这一问题 ,参与探讨如何解画结构与行为体能动性间辩证关系的讨论。通过对在天津市利用外资和城市基础设施建设内实践形成的过程中天津市政府和中央政府影响的分析 ,发现天津市选择既重视经济发展又关注民生的发展方式 ,是在中央政府和天津市政府共同作用的结果。在这个过程中 ,虽然中央政府对天津市政府的影响很重要 ,但不容忽视的是 ,天津市政府是在对中央政府的利益偏好进行评估和解释基础上提出了自己的策略选择。而且尽管他们之间的利益偏好比较接近 ,但他们仍然存在相互作用 ,各自有自主行为的空间 ,其行为选择同样可能存在差异。这种差异可能导致矛盾与冲突 ,也同样可能带来合作。至于结果究竟导致合作还是矛盾 ,又是如何形成的 ,端赖于对行为体间互动过程的“历史细节”的详尽挖掘。这是全面呈现“结构 -行为体能动性”间辩证关系的关键。
This research attempts to join the discussion on how structure and agency relate through a study of the local political economy in Northern China. Using the historical narrative method, the study focuses on the 'process', as well as the actions. It examines the strategies the actors adopted and how they were chosen. The research finds that, under the mutual influence of Central Government and Tianjin Municipal Government, Tianjin chose a dual strategy to develop its economy. Central Government played a key role in this process, it argues, but Tianjin Municipal Government still had its autonomy. Because although Tianjin's preferences were close to the one of Central Government, Tianjin still had the freedom to choose its behavior way, which based on its knowledge, preference etc. Moreover, the difference of the action between the actors can rise into conflict, as well as compromise and cooperation. Whether conflict or compromise and cooperation happens at last, it depends on how deep it explores into the details of the interaction between the actors.
Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences