根据对我国大麦赤霉病[Gibberdla zeae(Schw.)Petch.]、黄花叶病(BaYMV)和黄矮病(BYDV)三大主要病害进行的抗病性鉴定获得的38000余个病情数据,其中,抗赤霉病库的数据计有5000余份品种,抗黄花叶病库的数据计有1万余份品种,抗黄矮病库的数据计有3650份品种,主要农艺性状库的数据汁有11862份品种,作者于1986—1990年在国产长城0520CH微机上,用汉字dBASE—Ⅲ初步建立了大麦种质资源抗病性数据库管理系统(BGRMS)。本系统采用结构化程序设计方法,自顶而下形成一个四级树结构,整个管理系统由总控、数据编辑、查询、统计分析和系统维护共五个模块、十一个子模块组成。本系统经初步应用,节省了大量的人力和物力。
This paper is refering to the database of the resistance of barley to three major diseases, scab, BaYMV and BYDV. There were involved 38000 data of these diseases. Among of them,the data of resistance to barley scab of 5000 cultivars were obtained from Institute of Plant Protection, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the data of resistance to BaYMV of over 10000 cultivars were from Institute of Crop,Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences,the data of resistance to BYDV of 3560 cultivars were from Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Acadmy of Agricultural Sciences,and the database of main agronomical characters of 11862 cultivars were from the 'Catalog of barley germphasm resources in China'. On the basis of these data,we utilized the Chinese dBASE- I and have built up barley germphasm resource management systems (BGRMS) on the personal computer of Great Wall 0520 CH model. Based on the designed measures of structured program, the system formed a branchy structure of four process stages from top to bottom. All the management systems consisted of 5 models, namely central control. Filing data, indexing data statistic analysis and system preservation, 11 sub-models, 17 functions and 6 sub-functions. By preliminarily testing,this system was proved able to greatly reduce man power and raise working efficiency.
Journal of Plant Protection
barley database germphasm resources disease resistance mi- crocomputer application