说明了某型军用飞机机载设备试验室环境试验试验项目剪裁专家系统的基本情况, 定义了试验室环境试验试验项目剪裁专家系统, 同时利用关系型数据库语言VF6. 0编写了环境试验剪裁专家系统软件,说明了建立的过程及方法, 介绍了剪裁专家系统软件的部分功能及使用方法。为说明专家系统应用的实际过程, 文章最后结合某型飞机机载设备环境试验工作的具体情况, 利用本文介绍的专家系统对某型号任务计算机进行了试验室环境试验试验项目剪裁分析。
An expert system for tailoring test items in airborne equipment environmental tests is presented. The expert system is defined and the system software is compiled using the relational data base language VF 6.0. The development process and method for the expert system is explained and some functions and use of the system are discribed. As an application example, the expert system is used to perform the tailoring analysis of environment test items for a mission computer in a certain-type aircraft.
Aircraft Design