报道了Ce3+掺杂的碱土金属硼磷酸盐的制备、结构和光谱性质。在助熔剂的作用下,用高温固相反应法制备了MBPO5 (M=Ca,Sr,Ba)样品,并在还原气氛下成功地实现了Ce3+的掺杂。用X射线衍射(XRD)和傅里叶红外吸收谱(FT IRspectra)表征了样品的结构。X射线衍射结果表明,产物为六方相的菱硼硅铈矿(Stillwellite)结构。FT IRspectra给出了BO4、PO4 等基团的信息。测量并分析了材料在室温下的真空紫外紫外(VUV UV)激发光谱及相应的发射光谱。在紫外光的激发下,观察到Ce3+的5d→2FJ(J= 7 /2, 5 /2)的发射,分析了基质晶格对Ce3+的激发和发射谱的影响,并测量了BaBPO5 基质中Ce3+的发光寿命。
Recently, borophosphate has attracted much attention during the continuous searching for new functional materials. We report the synthesis process, structural and spectroscopic properties of Ce 3+ doped alkali-earth borophosphate. MBPO 5 (M=Ca, Sr, Ba) were prepared by solid-state reactions and Ce 3+ ions were successfully doped into the samples in a reduction atmosphere. The structural properties were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). XRD patterns exhibit that the samples crystallize in stillwellite structure. FT-IR spectra show the absorption bands of BO 4 and PO 4 groups, indicating that B and P atoms were linked with O atoms in regular tetrahedron form. The excitation spectra in the vacuum ultraviolet-ultraviolet region of the samples were recorded. The emission spectra feature typical 5d→ 4f transition of Ce 3+ . The effects of radius of alkali earth ions on the excitation spectra and emission spectra were discussed. The lifetime of Ce 3+ emission in BaBPO 5 is measured to be about 25 ns, which meet the demand of scintillator for the short lifetime. Our results show that Ce 3+ doped MBPO 5 (M=Ca,Sr, Ba) may find potential applications in scintillator materials.
Chinese Journal of Luminescence