目的 采用半巢式PCR方法检测牙菌斑、唾液及胃粘膜幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacterpylori,Hp) ,以了解口腔中Hp与胃粘膜Hp感染的关系。 方法 利用半巢式PCR方法(HeminestedPCRAssay)扩增磷酸葡萄糖胺变位酶基因(phosphogluco -saminemutasegene、glmM )内部片段,并对82例慢性胃炎和十二指肠溃疡患者的牙菌斑、唾液及胃粘膜进行检测。 结果 5 6例确诊Hp感染的患者中胃粘膜半巢式PCR检测全部阳性,2 2例(3 9.3 % )牙菌斑Hp阳性,3 4例(60 .7% )唾液Hp阳性;2 6例胃粘膜Hp阴性的患者中3例(11.5 % )牙菌斑Hp阳性,3例(11.5 % )唾液Hp阳性。 结论 Hp不仅存在于胃粘膜组织中,也存在于口腔牙周组织。
Objective To investigate the etiological relationship between oral Helicobacter pylori (Hp) and gastric Hp Colonization. Methods Hp in dental plaque,saliva and gastric mucosa was detected by heminested PCR assay based on the amplification of a specific internal region of the phosphoglucosamine mutase gene 34 cases . Results By heminested PCR assay, Hp was found in gastric mucosa in 56 cases, 22 cases in dental plaque and 34 cases in saliva among the 56 patients with comfirmed diagnosis of Hp infection. Furthermore, Hp was positive in dental plaque in 3 cases and in saliva in 3 cases among 26 patients with negative gastric mucosa Hp. Conclusions Hp is not only presented in gastric mucosa, but also in the oral cavity; and the oral Hp colonization might be related to gastric Hp infection.
Practical Preventive Medicine