目的 总结并探讨麻痹性角膜炎的成因及治疗。方法 对21 例麻痹性角膜炎者,局部以抗炎、滋润、营养角膜类药物滴眼及庶眼法保护性治疗为主,配合全身的抗炎及维生素等药物治疗。结果 18 例治愈,3 例因继发角膜溃疡,4个月后形成角膜白斑,严重影响视力。结论 麻痹性角膜炎应以早期预防为主,发病后及时采取有效的治疗措施,防止造成严重的失明后果,并应随访观察到角膜失代偿期恢复为止,以防复发。
Objective Summerize and discuss the cause and therapeutics of paralytic keratitis. Methods To the 21paralytic keratitis patients,the main therapeutics is the protective cure using the cover up and eyedrop medicine which the curative effect of diminish inflammation,moisten and cornea nourishment,working in the treatment of systemic diminish inflammation and medicine such as vitamin.Results 18 pationts were outed.Because of cornea Abscess caused by the paralytic keratitis, 3patients formed the leukoma four months which is seriously harmful to eyesight.conclusion The main therapeutics of paralytic keratitis should be the prevention,and use the effective and timely treatment preventing the after effect of ablepsia.The doctor should object the patient until the cornea resumes normal function in order to prevent recrudescence.
Chinese Journal of Convalescent Medicine