4Matthew Forney, "China's Quest for Oil," Time Asia, Oct.25,2004, vol. 164, No. 17; "Asia's Great Oil Hunt." Business Week, Nov. 15,2004.
5Warren E. Norquist, "How the United Sates used competition to win the cold war," Advances in Competitiveness Research, vol.10, Issue 1, pp.l-47, 2002;Leonard Hochberg," Mercantilist strategy, Ronald Reagan, and filling "the dustbin of history'," Competitiveness Review, vol.12, Issue 1, pp. 1-6, 2002.
6George J. Gilboy, "The Myth Behind China's Miracle," Foreign Affairs, Vol. 83, Issue 4, Jul. 2004.
7Weijian Shan,"China's Borrowed Growth," The Asian Wall Street Journal, Sep.3 2003, Page A7;and his Luncheon Speech at CSFB Conference, "China, Bi-flation and Exploding Tele visions," Reported by Steven Irvine in FinanceAsia Magazine, Mar.24, 2004.