介绍了一种新颖的DC^20GHz的4bit和5bit GaAs单片数字衰减器的设计、制造和测试结果.该衰减器的设计采用纵向思维的方法.最终得到的 4bit数字衰减器的主要性能指标是:在 DC^20GHz频带内,插入损耗≤3 5dB,最大衰减量15dB,衰减步进1dB,衰减平坦度≤0 2dB,衰减精度≤±0 3dB,两端口所有态的电压驻波比≤1 6,相对于参考态,衰减态的插入相移在-10°~5°以内,芯片尺寸1 8mm×1 6mm×0 1mm.5bit数字衰减器的主要性能指标是:在DC^20GHz 频带内,插入损耗≤3 8dB,最大衰减量 15 5dB,衰减步进 0 5dB,衰减平坦度≤0 3dB,衰减精度≤±0 4dB,两端口所有衰减态的电压驻波比≤1 8,相对于参考态,衰减态的插入相移在-14°~2°以内,芯片尺寸2 0mm×1 6mm×0 1mm.
This paper describes the design,fabrication,and test of a novel MMIC digital attenuator covering DC~20GHz.The 4bit (or 5bit) attenuator provides exceptional performance,with reference state insertion loss of less than 3 5dB(the 5bit less than 3 8dB) at 20GHz and 15dB(that of the 5bit is 15 5dB)of dynamic range of attenuation.The input and output VSWRs are better than 1 6∶1 (those of 5bit are better than 1 8∶1) over all states and entire frequency.The attenuator flatness is within ±0 2dB(the actual maximum atten.-the actual minimum atten.of each atten.setting)(that of the 5bit is within ±0 3dB)and the attenuation accuracy is within ±0 3dB(the actual atten. the atten.setting)(that of the 5bit is within ±0 4dB).The chip size of the MMIC attenuator is 1 8mm×1 6mm×0 1mm (that of the 5bit is 2 0mm×1 6mm×0 1mm).
ultra-broad band
digital attenuator
high performance