卵黄高磷蛋白的乳化性尤其乳液稳定性比别的食品蛋白质高。蛋白酶和磷酸酯酶可使乳化活性和乳液稳定性明显降低 ,卵黄高磷蛋白的蛋白酶水解导致大肽链 (高磷酸化核心区 5 0~ 2 1 0个肽 )和小肽链 (N_端 1~ 49个肽和C_端 2 1 1~ 2 1 7个肽 )裂解。不含小肽的肽不具备优异的乳化特性 ,蛋白质中一部分小肽在乳化特性中起着重要角色。换句话说 ,磷酸酯酶处理后 ,卵黄高磷蛋白中磷酸酯的静电排斥力对乳化性有显著影响 ,磷酸充分作用后的残基的这部分蛋白质对高乳化特性至关重要。
The emulsifying properties, particul arly the emulsion stability, of phosvitin was higher than those of other food pr oteins. The emulsifying activity and emulsion stability were greatly decreased b y protease and phosphatase treatment. The protease digestion of phosvitin result ed in the peptide cleavage of large fragment (a highly phosphorylated core regio n, 50 to 210 peptide) and small fragments (N_terminal 1 to 49 and C_term inal 211 to 217 peptides). The large fragment which is lacking small fragments did n ot show t he excellent emulsifying properties, suggesting that small fragments of protein moiety play an important role in emulsifying properties. On the other hand, the effect of phosphatase treatment showed that electrostatic repulsive force of ph osphate in phosvitin has a significant effect on its emulsifying properties and that the protein moiety with abundant phosphorylated residues is also considered to be essential for the high emulsifying properties.
西安市青年人才创业基金 (CY2 0 0 30 7)