新时期的高校工会, 要在学校人事分配制度改革中, 突出维护职能, 维护广大教职工的合法权益。要认识突出维护职能的重要性, 探索维护职能的新途径, 处理好突出维护职能与做好其它工作的关系。
Trade unions in colleges and universities at a new stage should give importance to the functions of safeguarding and protect the legitimate rights and interests of numerous teachers and staff members during the reform of personnel distribution system in colleges and universities. The trade unions are also required to realize the significance of giving importance to the functions of safeguarding, to explore new ways to carry out the functions of safeguarding and to deal well with the relationship between the work of giving importance to the functions of safeguarding and other tasks.
Journal of China University of Labor Relations