为了切实保障农民工的合法权益, 应加强对农民工的技能培训, 以适应经济结构调整、生产技术改进的需要; 要采取强有力的措施, 杜绝拖欠农民工工资的现象; 规范职介所等劳动中介机构, 加强对劳动力市场的监管。
In order to safeguard migrant workers' legitimate rights and interests, the technical skills training on migrant workers should be enforced to meet the need of adjustment of economic structure and the improvement of production techniques; some powerful measures must also be adopted to get ride of the phenomenon of defaulting migrant workers' wages; and some intermediary organizations as job centers are required to be regulated to enforce the supervision over the employment market.
Journal of China University of Labor Relations