
中国法学向何处去(中)——建构“中国法律理想图景”时代的论纲 被引量:63

Jurisprudence of China: Where to go?(II)——Research Sketch of Building an Era of China's Legal Ambition Prospect
摘要 1978年至 2 0 0 4年 ,中国法学在取得很大成就的同时也暴露出了它的问题 ,而它的根本问题就是未能为评价、批判和指引中国法制发展提供作为理论判准和方向的“中国法律理想图景”。这是一个没有中国法律理想图景的法学时代。据此 ,要对“中国为什么会缺失中国自己的法律理想图景”这个理论论题给出回答 ,并对中国法学这一时代进行“总体性”的反思和批判。较为具体地讲 ,采用经过界定的“范式”分析概念 ,对中国法学中四种不同甚或存有冲突的理论模式即“权利本位论”、“法条主义”、“本土资源论”和“法律文化论”进行了深入探究。中国法学之所以无力引领中国法制发展 ,实是因为它们都受一种“现代化范式”的支配 ,而这种“范式”不仅间接地为中国法制发展提供了一幅“西方法律理想图景” ,而且还使中国法学论者意识不到他们所提供的不是中国自己的“法律理想图景” ;同时 ,这种占支配地位的“现代化范式”因无力解释和解决因其自身的作用而产生的各种问题 ,最终导致了作者所谓的“范式”危机。正是在批判“现代化范式”的基础上 ,我们必须结束这个受“西方现代性范式”支配的法学旧时代 ,开启一个自觉研究“中国法律理想图景” From 1978 to 2004, a great progress has been made in the jurisprudence of China, but at the same time some problems came into being. The key problem is that a “China's legal ambition prospect” cannot be provided to make comments, criticism and guide for developing the legal system of China. This is an era that does not possess China's legal ambition prospect. The answer to theoretical topic, why China lacks its own legal ambition prospect, was given and a “comprehensive” reflection and criticism on the era of China's jurisprudence was made. Through the defined “model” analysis concepts, the four different or conflicting theoretical models in China's jurisprudence have been closely studied. The theoretical models are “doctrine of right oriented”, “doctrine of legal provision”, “doctrine of local resources”, and “doctrine of legal culture”. The reason that China's jurisprudence cannot guide the development of the legal system of China is that it is controlled by a “modernized model”, which not only indirectly provides a “western legal ambition prospect” for the development of the legal system of China, but also makes the Chinese jurists not realize what they provide is not the “legal ambition prospect” of China itself. At the same time, the prevailing “modernized model” has all kinds of problems, because of its inability in explaining the function of its own. At last the so-called crisis of losing model takes place. Just on the basis of criticizing the “modernized model”, the era that jurisprudence is controlled by western modernized model” must be stopped, and an era of studying “China's legal ambition prospect” should be started.
作者 邓正来
机构地区 吉林大学
出处 《政法论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第2期25-42,共18页 Tribune of Political Science and Law
基金 2004年国家社科重点项目"经济全球化中的中国法学"(项目批准号 :0 4AFX0 0 2 )中的一个部分的论纲
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