[目的] 在盒饭生产过程中建立危害分析和关键控制点(HACCP)。 [方法] 按照《HACCP原理》及《上海市盒饭卫生管理办法》的有关规定,对盒饭加工过程进行危害分析,建立盒饭生产HACCP体系。 [结果] 确立食品采购、验收、存储、热加工、餐具消毒、成品分装、分装到就餐时间、温度等为关键控制点。 [结论〗 盒饭生产单位实施HACCP管理系统,生产过程的危害得到控制,明显提高盒饭的卫生质量。
Objective] To build hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) in the process of lunch box production. [Methods] Hazards in the process of producing lunch box were analysed using the principles of “HACCP principle” and “Lunch box hygiene management measures in Shanghai” to build HACCP system in lunch box production. [Results] The results showed that food purchase, checking, stocking cooking temperature, dishes sterilization, interval between packing and eating and temperature were all critical control points. [Conclusion] Using HACCP management system in lunch box production plants, the hazard in the process of production can be controlled and the hygienic quality of lunch box can be enhanced significantly.
Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine