he infection of HPV is the most frequent among the viruses tropic to the epithelium of cervix.The different HPV types possess various infective location and the abilities of etiology,for example,HPV type 6B,type 11 were correlated with the cervical non-tumor lesions,otherwise,the HPV type16 and type 18 were clasely assoctated with cervical carcinoma,so that it is important to identify accu-rately HPV type in the moledular epidemiological researchment for the relationship between cervicalHPv infection and the development of cervical carcinoma.We reperted here a new DNA hybridization method and procedure,with which we can easily differ one HPV type from another.The advantages as follow compared with other hybridimtion method.1.It lreer,mes sllitable to detect small pieces of biopeies from cervix since the experiment procedure being simplified and specimens consuption being decreased;2.The sensitivity is increased by 1.68 foldcomparing with dot blot hybridization;3.It has a higher types specificity owing to medifying the ex-periment condition and putting quality control into the whole experiment procedure.The result showedthat the crossing hybridization among various HPV types was decreased greatly and HPV typing maybe identified according to comparing intensities on the X-ray film even in part of crossing reaction sam-ples.The method may be important and very useful in diagnosis of the HPV infection for cervix,especially in large scale molecular epidemiological investigation for the association of HPV infection withthe cervical carcinoma.
Virologica Sinica
Human papillomavirus(HPV),Cervical Carcinoma,Quality control slot hybridization(Coslot)