随着不并网自备电源的增加, 倒送电事故和人身触电事故相应增多。本文通过图文并茂的形式, 从两方面对上述问题进行阐述。第一, 自备电源安全隐患的提出: 通过对不并网自备电源在用电设备末端、分路、单台及多台变压器等模式下典型错误接线的列举, 一一介绍了自备电源与电网电源连锁的原理; 着重分析了在此连锁接线方式下, 如何导致倒送电事故。第二, 自备电源安全装置问题的解决: 在提出问题的基础上, 文章通过典型正确的几种连锁方案的分析, 就在保证自备电源安全可靠运行的前提下(不向电网倒送电, 自备电源与电网电源不并列运行), 如何经济、合理地设计连锁方案, 提出了行之有效的解决办法。
As more and more self-providing interlocking devices are used in power industry, the number of accidents of electricity reverse supplying and electric shocks increased accordingly. This paper tackles these two problems from two aspects: (1) Highlighting the potential safety hazards of self-providing interlocking devices. This paper sets out some typical wiring flaws found in self-providing interlocking devices using different configuration patterns, such as at the terminals of electric equipments, in the shunts, with the single transformer or multi-transformer etc, and introducs the principles of self-providing interlocking devices and net electrical sources, with an emphasis on the analysis of how accidents of electricity reverse supplying had occurred. (2) Proposing a solution for preventing accidents of electricity reverse supplying from happening. This paper analyzes several typical correct wiring patterns and!proposes some practical and effective methods of properly designing the wiring patterns under the assumption that the self-providing interlocking devices are working safely.
Modern Electric Power
self-providing supply
wiring pattern