产业集群是我国东部沿海地区经济增长和竞争优势的主要来源 ,东部产业集群效应使东部地区强化了“后天优势” ,阻碍了东部产业向中西部的转移 ,对流行的产业“梯度转移”理论形成了重要挑战。东部地区利用西部低成本劳动力优势及高度专业化分工基础上的产业配套条件 ,使中西部地区利用产业“梯度转移”理论发展经济的难度加大了。
Industrial clusters are the main source of economic increase and competitive advantage in China's east area.Cluster effect strengthens the advantage of east area and hinders the industrial transformation from east to west.It produces serious challenge on the theory of gradient transfer.East area uses cheap labor cost of west area and industrial set condition on the basis of high specialized division of labor.The development of western economy will be more difficult in the use of theory of gradient transfer.
Northern Economy and Trade