特定三维人脸的建模与动画是计算机图形学中一个非常令人感兴趣的领域。本文提出了一种新的从两幅正交照片建立特定人脸的模型以及动画方法,首先以主动轮廓跟踪技术snake自动获取人脸特征点的准确位置,然后以文中的局部弹性变形(localelastic deform ation)方法进行通用人脸模型到特定人脸的定制,并辅以采用图像镶嵌技术生成的大分辨率纹理图像施行纹理绘制,该方法以特征点的位移和非特征点与特征点的相对位置为基础计算局部人脸面部的变形,同时还能够实现人脸剧烈的面部变化和动作,与肌肉模型相结合,可很好地实时完成人脸的动画,具有快速高效的特点。最后,给出了所得到的实验结果。
Individualized head modeling from pictures and facial animation is a very interesting filed in computer graphics. This paper gives a new mothod to generate an individualized head modified from a generic model using two orthogonal pictures as input. First, we detect feature points by snake which is a fast algorithm for active contours estimation,then according to the method LBD(local elastic deformation) we modify the general head model into the individualized one, at last we get the texture image by splining front and side face pictures using multiresolution image mosaics.After modeling, we also can perform facial animation using the method and musle model. We also give the results which show the mothod is fast and efficient.
Microelectronics & Computer