The f(α) singularity spectra of spatial distribution of small earthquakes around the Guzhen earthquake (Mar. 2, 1979, Ms=5. 0) and two Liyang earthquakes (Apr, 22, 1974,Ms= 5. 5 and Jul. 9, 1979, Ms=6. 0) have been calculated by the box-counting method.The results show that the f(α) spectrum can reveal quantitatively the global pattern of spatial distribution of seismic activities for various density profiles from dense to rare.Hence, the concept of singularity spectrum is more directly and straightforward perceived through the senses than the Dq multifractal dimension spectrum. It contains clearly all information about the variation of the spatial distribution of small shocks around the main earthquakes. However the algorithm calculating the f(α) spectrum given in this paper'consumes less computational resources and time than the usual determination via Dq calculation.
Earthquake Research in China