
西方大国角逐非洲石油的战略及影响 被引量:3

Western Powers' Strategy of Contending for African Oil Resourcesand Its Consequences
摘要 非洲石油开发前景可观,引起西方大国高度关注。西方大国对非洲石油资源的角逐,给非洲国家的政治、经济带来双重的影响:既有提升非洲国际地位、推动经济总量增长的积极一面;又有诱发政治西倾,助长腐败、加剧动荡,阻碍经济多样化、排斥南南合作的消极一面。当前,中国与非洲国家的石油合作面临来自发达国家的激烈竞争,中国企业自身也存在各自为战,缺乏统筹规划的致命弱点。中国政府应尽快成立国家级能源机构,设立海外石油勘探、开发基金,支持企业拓展非洲市场。 Oil exploitation in Africa enjoys bright prospect and has attracted Western powers' close attention. The Western powers' contention for African oil has produced a dual effect on the politics and economy of the African countries: on the active side, it uplifted the Africa's international status quo and promoted its economic growth as a whole; while on the negative side, it will cause the African countries politically to lean further to the West, foster corruption, accelerate the turmoil, hamper the economic diversification and the South-South cooperation.Of late, China's cooperation in the field of oil exploitation with Africa has run into fierce competition from the developed countries, while the Chinese enterprises operating in Africa also suffer from acting individually and lack of coordination. It is highly hoped that China is soon to establish a national energy coordination organ, set up an overseas oil exploitation fund, and assist the Chinese enterprises to explore the African market. (
作者 姚桂梅
出处 《亚非纵横》 2005年第2期64-69,80,共7页 ASIA & AFRICA REVIEW
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