目的 探讨前列宁1号方治疗慢性非细菌性前列腺炎的疗效机制。方法 于SD雄性大鼠前列腺双侧背叶注入2 5 %的消痔灵注射液,建立非细菌性前列腺炎大鼠模型,随机分为病理模型组、前列宁1号高剂量组、前列宁1号低剂量组、阳性药物组,另设假手术组作空白对照。观察该方对模型大鼠前列腺液白细胞(WBC)数目、卵磷脂小体密度及血清锌(Zn)含量的影响。结果 前列宁1号方可显著升高模型大鼠前列腺液卵磷脂小体密度及血清Zn含量,减少前列腺液中WBC数目,与模型组相比均有显著性差异(P <0 .0 1) ,且高剂量组明显优于阳性药物组(P <0 .0 5或P <0 .0 1)。结论 前列宁1号可升高血清Zn含量,使前列腺的防御机能增强,消除局部炎症,可能是有效治疗慢性非细菌性前列腺炎的作用机制之一。
Objective To research the mechanism of Qianli en ing No.1 on the treatment of nonbacterial prostatitis.Method Ra t model with nonbacterial prostatitis were established by injection of 25% Xiaoz hiling in lateral prostatitis. Rat with nonbacterial prostatitis were randomly d ivided into model group (B), high dose of Qianliening No.1 group(C), low dose of Qianliening No.1 group (D), positive drug group (E) and sham operation group as control group (A).WBC and lecithin microsome density of prostatic fluid and s erum Zn in rat were observed.Result WBC of prostatic fluid in C ,D,E groups were decreased than that in B group (P<0.05). And lecithin micro some density of prostatic fluid in C, D, E groups were increased than that in B group (P<0.05). Content of serum Zn in C, D, E groups were increased than th at in B group (P<0.05). The results showed that Qianliening No.1 was superio r to positive drug.Conclusion Qianliening No.1 can raise conten t of serum Zn, make improvement of prostate function. This may be mechanism of t reating chronic nonbacterial prostatitis.
Hebei Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
河北省科技攻关项目 (编号 :972 61119D)