目的 探讨导尿管插入速度与一次插管成功及病人反应之间的关系。方法 98例老年男性留置尿管病人,按自然排序随机分成2组,分别采用缓速和快速插管法插尿管,记录插尿管所需时间及一次插管成功与否,观察病人反应。结果 缓速插管法和快速插管法所需时间分别为(2 8.0±2 .0 )s、(1 4 .0±2 .2 )s;缓速插管法和快速插管法一次插管成功分别为4 6 ,37例。2组的插管时间、一次成功率和病人反应经比较P <0 .0 5或P <0 .0 1 ,差异有统计学意义。结论 缓速插管法优于快速插管法。
Objective To discuss the relevance between operating span of catheterization, successful first insertion of urethral catheter, and patients′ response in old male case. Methods 98 old males who need a indwelling catheter each were enrolled into slow-insertion group and fast-insertion group randomly. In this trial, the operating span and patients′ response in every case were taken down while the ends of their first insertion were recorded as success of failure. Results The average operating spans of slow-insertion and fast-insertion group were (28±2.0) s and (14±2.2) s respectively. The successful first insertions in slow-insertion group added up to 46 while 37 successful cases in fast-insertion group. The differences of operating span, ratio of successful first insertion, and patients response between these two groups (P<0.05, or P< 0.01 respectively) were obvious statistically. Conclusion In terms of operating span, ratio of successful first insertion, and patients′ response. Slow insertion of urethral catheter is prior to fast insertion.
Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing