以键宽和键高查询为例子,阐述数据查询的实现 键宽键高查询以Delphi中的ADO组件连接加密的MS -ACCESS数据库实现 希望通过本文为企业和工厂中的机械设计人员掌握一种应用程序开发工具,从耗力耗时又易错的手工查询中摆脱出来。
This paper expounds searching data with looking up key-width and key-height as example. Looking up key-width and key-height uses ADO component of Delphi link to encrypted database of MS-ACCESS. By this paper, I hope, grasping a programming language, mechanical designer quickly free from searching by hand waste-timely and hardworking, this will make great benefic to work and study.
Journal of Yichun University