根据工业化发展阶段的划分,中国—东盟自由贸易区内1 1国发展差异巨大,存在着从传统农业社会到发达经济高级阶段等不同发展阶段国家,国家发展差异决定了自由贸易区松散协调型机制和约束力较弱的体制特征和还处于工业化初期向中期过渡的发展属性,也决定了一定时期内的投资规模和贸易流量。根据各国所处的发展阶段确定中国与东盟各国的双边投资和双边贸易策略,是中国推进自由贸易区进程应遵循的重要原则。
The different stages of industrialization find full expression in the 11 countries in the Sino-ASEAN free trade zone which are either at the stage of traditional agriculture or at the stage of developed economy. These differences have resulted in the flexible and cooperative mechanism in the free trade zone and have shown the traits of weak systematic control and the development from the early stage of industrialization to its middle stage, which will determine the quantity of investment and trade in a given period. In this case, China should follow the strategic principles in the bilateral investment and trade according to the different stages in development of the different countries.
The Journal of Yunnan University:Social Sciences Edition