目的:研究益多螺旋藻片(螺旋藻)治疗脾虚证、缺铁性贫血及高脂血症(脾虚型)的,临床疗效及主要药效。方法:临床采用多中心、区组随机对照、非盲法试验的观察方法,脾虚证对照用复方扶芳藤合剂;缺铁性贫血(脾虚型)对照用复方扶芳藤合剂、硫酸亚铁片;高脂血症(脾虚型)对照用多烯康胶丸。结果:两组治疗脾虚证总有效率分别为91%,93%;治疗缺铁性贫血总有效率分别为90%,93.3%;治疗高脂血症总有效率86.7%,90%。各组疗效比较均无显著性差异(均P> 0.05)。药理实验证实益多螺旋藻片对低铁性贫血大鼠,可增加其体重、Hb和RBC水平;对快速型高胆固醇血症小鼠,可降低血清TC和TG水平,对高脂血症大鼠可降低血清TC和TG水平和提高HDL—C水平;对脾虚小鼠,可提高其耐疲劳能力和耐常压缺氧能力。结论:益多螺旋藻片用于脾虚证、缺铁性贫血、高脂血症(脾虚型)有良好的治疗作用和有一定的药理学依据。
Objective: To study the clinical effect and major medical effect of Yiduo Luoxuanzao Tablets for spleen deficiency and iron-deficiency anemia due to spleen deficiency and high fat blood. Methods:To take the observational method in Clinic which contrast with multi centers, and groups at random and non-blind test. Spleen deficiency contrast to Compound Fu Fang Teng Mixture iron-deficiency anemia (spleen deficiency type) contrasts to Compound Fu Fang Teng wixture or Ferrisulphas Taloletes. High fat blood (spleen Deficiency type)contrast to Duo xi Kang pills. Results: The total efficiency rates of two groups in treating spleen deficiency were 91% and 93%, respectively. They were 90% and 93. 3%, respectively in treating iron - deficiency anemia. It were 86. 7% and 90%, respectively in treating high fat blood. No obvious difference between all groups' clinical efficiency (P>0. 05). Experiment on pharmacology confirmed that: Yiduo Luoxuanzao will increase mice's weight and hb and RBC lever in treating iron-deficiency anemia. To the mice with high cholesterol blood(speed type), it will reduce it's TC and TG lever in blood serum. To the mice with high fat blood, it will reduce it's TC and TG lever in blood serum and increase it's HDL-C lever. To the mice with spleen deficiency, it will heighten it's fatigue endurance and oxygen - deficiency endurance under normal pressure. Conclusion: Yiduo Luoxuanzao Tablets has is good treatment efficiency and bases on certain pharmacology for spleen deficiency, iron-deficiency anemia due to spleen deficiency and high fat blood.
Lishizhen Medicine and Materia Medica Research
Yiduo Luoxuanzao Tablets
Spleen deficiency
Iron-deficiency anemia (spleen deficiency type)
High fat blood (spleen deficiency type)