在2 5℃±1℃,75 %±2 %RH条件下,用FAO推荐的测定储粮害虫磷化氢(PH3)抗性的方法,对无色书虱敏感品系YNQJLd1、弱抗品系QLD - 8和强抗品系GXHZLd1的成虫、若虫和卵进行了毒力测定,分别得出相应的磷化氢致死中浓度(LC50 )。YNQJLd1、QLD - 8和GXHZLd1的成虫LC50 值分别为0 .0 0 79、0 .712 7和1.75 86mg/L ,抗性品系的抗性系数(Rf)分别为90和2 2 2倍;YNQJLd1、QLD - 8和GXHZLd1的若虫LC50 值分别为0 .0 0 974、0 810 5 3和1.6 382 1mg/L ,抗性品系的Rf分别为83和16 8倍;YNQJLd1、QLD - 8和GXHZLd1的卵LC50 值分别为0 .4 317、2 .14 95和5 .2 2 14 6mg/L ,抗性品系的Rf分别为5和12倍。结果表明,无色书虱同一品系成虫和若虫对PH3抗性差异不明显,卵对PH3的抗性相比成虫和若虫是最强的,也是最难防治的虫态。本研究的测定为今后的书虱磷化氢抗性研究工作提供了基础数据,为实仓的磷化氢熏蒸试验提供了可靠的参考依据。
The values of LC 50 of adults,nympha and eggs of susceptible YNQJLD1,low resistant QLD-8 and high resistant GXHZLd1 strains of L. decolor were determined through the method (determining PH 3 resistance in stored grain insects) recommended by FAO under the conditions of 25±1℃,75%±2%RH.The values of LC 50 of adults of YNQJLd1?QLd-8 and GXHZLd1 were 0.0079,0.7127 and 1.7586mg/L respectively,the resistant factors(Rf) of resistant strains were 90 and 222 respectively;The values of LC 50 of nympha YNQJLd1,QLd-8 and GXHZLd1 were 0.00974, 0.81053 and 1.63821 mg/L respectively,the Rf of resistant strains were 83 and 168 respectively;The values of LC 50 of eggs YNQJLd1,QLD-8 and GXHZLd1 were 0.4317,2.1495 and 5.22146 mg/L respectively,the Rf of resistant strains were 5 and 12 respectively.The results showed that the difference of adults and nympha of the same strain to PH 3 resistance was not obviously,but the resistance to PH 3 in eggs was highest compared with adult and nympha stages.So the eggs are the most difficult control.The results provided reliable basis for PH 3 fumigating in field warehouse.
Grain Storage
中国国家粮食局和澳大利亚国际农业研究中心合作项目 (ACIARPHT 9813 7)