retrospective cohort study of cause ofdeath was carried
out in 2037 cases coalmine pneumoconicosis in Zibo coal miningarea, All subjects were
follwed up to 1986.443 cases were known hving died at theend of the study period.Mortality of
allcause of death was 2408.8/100, 000 with SMR235, 95%CI=214~258, whieh was significan-tly
higher than the expected value based on the gneral mortortolity in Shandong Province.The
nonmalignant respiratouy diseases,thepatients with pneumoconiess were the ma-jority of
these patients , were the leadingcause of deaths (25.1% of total deaths ),the follows were
cancer,cardio-vaseular diseasesand pulmonary tuberculcsis.the risk ofcancer was significantly
elevated SMR 1190,primary due to lung cancer ,which accounts for 59.2% with SMR
556.Mortality forom cor pulmonale and pulmonary tuberculosis were also distinetly
increased.In tunnelers’ andcoal worrkers’ pneumnoconicsis significantly eleveated SMR
were found at P<0.01 levelfor all causes, respiratory diseases, cancerand pulmonary
tuberculesis.In tunnelers’pneumoconiosis an increased rumber of de-ath was also seen for
cardiovsscuiar diseases,especially for cor rulmonale (SMR217,P<0.01).
Chinese Journal of Industrial Medicine