中华书局编纂《辞海》始于 1915 年, 历时 20 多年, 于 1936 1937 年出版。期间数易主编, 分别为徐元诰、舒新城、沈颐、张相, 参与其中的编辑人员前后达百余人。作为一部综合性的大型工具书, 《辞海》是中华书局在近代著名的文化工程之一, 也是书局同人集体努力的结果。因此, 王震先生认为舒新城一人“三次挽救了《辞海》”, 显然是不符合历史事实的结论。
Ci Hai was started to write by Zhong Hua Book Company in 1915,and it was published in 1936-1937,which lasted more than twenty years.During the period,the editor-in-chief was changed for many times,they were XU Yuan-gao,SHU Xin-cheng,SHEN Yi and ZHANG Xiang,and more than a hundred editors took part in it,from start to finish.As a synthetic and large reference book,Ci Hai is one of the famous cultural construction works of Zhong Hua Book Company in Modern China, and is also the result of all of companys comrades efforts. Mr. WANG Zhen considers SHU Xin-cheng had rescued Ci Hai for three times by only himself. Obviously,this statement is not conforming to the historical truth.
Journal of Shandong University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)
Ci Hai
Zhong Hua Book Company