以伸长率低,长期蠕变小,尺寸稳定性和高、低温稳定性好的芳纶帘线替代钢丝,采用直粘体系制做芳纶带束层和胎体帘布并试制了195/60R14 86H轿车子午线轮胎。试验表明,以芳纶帘线替代钢丝可以使用现有设备生产,芳纶帘线轮胎(单层胎体)的高速性能与聚酯帘线轮胎(二层胎体)基本相当,耐久性能远高于国家标准且尺寸稳定性较好。
The aramid was known as lower elongation,smaller creep and higher dimensional stability at low and high temperatures.A 195/60R14 86H PCR tire was developed by using the aramid cord instead of the steel cord in the belt,the single ply of aramid cord instead of the double plies of polyester cord in the carcass and a direct adhesion system.The pilot production and test showed that the existent production line could be used in the production of aramid tire;the tire weight reduced by 12.5%;and the finished tire featured more comfortable ride,higher dimensional stability,and lower noise,rolling resistance,wear rate and heat build-up.
Tire Industry