目的 报告1例嵌合型的t(13;13)致妻5次流产的男性携带者,并对胚胎流产的原因进行讨论。方法 对流产胚胎组织进行15个DNA短串联重复序列分析。结果 t(13;13)携带者的流产胚胎检测D13S317位点和D13S2 5 8位点都仅有1个源自母亲微卫星标志物。未提示有其它染色体不平衡。结论 嵌合型的t(13;13)携带者这次胚胎流产原因是由于13号染色体不平衡所致。
Objective: We reported in the paper a male carrier of mosaic karytype 45,XY, t(13;13)/46,XY resulted in his wife of five spontaneous abortions and discussed the cause of this pregnancy loss. Methods: 15 short- tandem-repeat (STR) microsatellite marker loci were analyzed to evaluate the parents' genetic contribution to the aborted embryo. Results: Only an allele from the mother was found from the aborted embryonic tissues in locus D13S317 and D13S258. Conclusion: imbalenced chromosome 13 of the embryo is the cause of his abortion.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity