A novel fitting procedure is proposed for a better determination of H2 rovibrational distribution from the Fulcher-α band spectroscopy. We have recalculated the transition probabilities and the results show that they deviate from Franck-Condon approximation especially for the non-diagonal transitions. We also calculated the complete sets of vibrationally resolved cross sections for electron impact d3Ⅱu-X3Σg transition based on the semi-classical Gryzinski theory. An example of experimental study confirms that current approach provides a tool for a better diagnostics of H2 rovibrational distribution in electronic ground state.
A novel fitting procedure is proposed for a better determination of H2 rovibrational distribution from the Fulcher-α band spectroscopy. We have recalculated the transition probabilities and the results show that they deviate from Franck-Condon approximation especially for the non-diagonal transitions. We also calculated the complete sets of vibrationally resolved cross sections for electron impact d3Ⅱu-X3Σg transition based on the semi-classical Gryzinski theory. An example of experimental study confirms that current approach provides a tool for a better diagnostics of H2 rovibrational distribution in electronic ground state.
The project supported by the University of Tokyo and partial supported by National Science Foundation of China (grants No.10135020 and 10275067)