
拉康哲学的问题式 被引量:5

The Problematic of Lacan’s Philosophy
摘要 This paper discusses the deep problematic of Lacan’s philosophy in terms of the perspective of philosophy for the first time. At the beginning of the paper, two important academic components of Lacan’s logic have been explored: one is the ontological logic of negative relationship, another is falsifying existentialism. Then the author focuses on the pseudo-antecedence of the other-usurping and the other-raping form in Heidegger’s theory of projection, which is overturned in Lacan’s philosophical logic. Finally, the author tries to analyse the historical context of Lacan’s philosophy, especially his subversive relations with his academic subsidiary background. This paper discusses the deep problematic of Lacan’s philosophy in terms of the perspective of philosophy for the first time. At the beginning of the paper, two important academic components of Lacan’s logic have been explored: one is the ontological logic of negative relationship, another is falsifying existentialism. Then the author focuses on the pseudo-antecedence of the other-usurping and the other-raping form in Heidegger’s theory of projection, which is overturned in Lacan’s philosophical logic. Finally, the author tries to analyse the historical context of Lacan’s philosophy, especially his subversive relations with his academic subsidiary background.
作者 张一兵
出处 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第4期62-70,128,共10页 Philosophical Research
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