通过对河北省8所不同层次的大学2000 名在校学生进行分层整体取样,调查结果显示,我省在校大学生心理健康状况总体良好,但也有一定数量的学生存在着不同程度的心理问题。在受测对象中,大学生心理问题检出率达11.3%。在对形成这些心理问题的各方面因素进行分析和研究的基础上,本文提出了加强和改善大学生心理健康状况的对策和措施。
Through taking a sample by stratifying and then organizing more than 2000 undergraduates from 8 different-ranked universities and colleges in Hebei Province, the results reveals the psychological state of the undergraduates' is good, but meanwhile the different degrees of psychological problems existing in a certain number of undergraduates are found. Among the students being tested, 11.3% of them have those problems. On the ground of analyzing and researching for the various factors in forming the psychological problems, this article puts forward the countermeasures and strategies for strengthening and improving the psychological state of the undergraduates' psychological health.
Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology:Social Sciences