针对现代空战中目标大机动条件下, 末端控制(ENDGAME)段导弹和目标间的相对运动, 结合滑模控制理论设计了工程上易于实现的滑模制导律, 并进行了仿真计算。最终仿真结果证明了滑模导引律比传统的比例导引律在ENDGAME中对目标机动有更好的制导性能。
In this paper, a guidance law based on sliding-mode control theory is proposed in the circumstances of aiming at highly maneuverable targets and the engagement of missile and target during the ENDGAME. The simulation results show that sliding-mode guidance law is of an advantage over the proportional navigation guidance law in robustness against highly maneuverable targets during the ENDGAME.
Aero Weaponry