目的 探讨中晚期食管癌动脉灌注化疗的疗效和临床应用价值。方法 80例患者均经钡剂造影及组织病理学检查证实为食管鳞癌 ,行相应食管段靶动脉选择性插管造影 ,灌注化疗药物。结果 80例食管癌灌注后肿瘤完全缓解 (CR) 2 6例 ,部分缓解 (PR) 4 2例 ,无变化 (NC) 11例 ,进展 (PD) 1例 ,总有效率 (CR +PR)为 85 % (6 8/ 80 )。 1、2、3、5年生存率分别为 87.5 % (70 / 80 )、38.8% (31/ 80 )、2 1.3% (17/80 )、15 % (12 / 80 )。存活 3年以上者均为CR患者 ,提示灌注化疗应尽可能巩固性治疗使病灶达CR。结论 食管癌动脉灌注化疗近期疗效显著 ,可作为食管癌综合治疗中的一种主要的可供选择的治疗方法。由于中远期生存率仍很低 ,应与手术。
Objective To explore the infusion chemotherapeutic efficacy and clinical application value for patients with middle-terminal stage esophageal carcinomas.Methods Eighty patients with esophageal squamous carcinoma confirmed with barium meal examination and histopathology were undergone angiography and infusion chemotherapy through catheter in the target artery of the esophageal tumor.Results Complete reliefs were acquired in 26 of 80 patients after the infusion, partial relief in 42, no-change in 11 and progress in 1; the overall effective rate was 85%(68/80). The survival rates was 87.5%(70/80), 38.8%(31/80), 21.3%(17/80), 15%(12/80) at 1, 2, 3 and 5 year intervals respectively. The patients of more than 3 years survival were complete symtomlessness after infusion. The survival rate could be improved significantly with infusion as long as necessary.Conclusions The short-term efficacy with infusion is remarkable and should be the preferable choice, but the medium-long term survival rate is still low. Accomplishment with other therapies is further to be recommeded.
Journal of Interventional Radiology
河南省医药卫生重点科研课题 (编号 97 183 )