目的 给新生鸡雏进行铅染毒,观察铅引起的红细胞核浓缩情况。方法 设立标准饲料对照组、标准饲料染毒组、低Ca对照组以及低Ca染毒组。染毒后的不同时间点,测定血铅浓度及细胞核浓缩情况。结果 标准饲料铅染毒组第2天血铅浓度达到最大值5 7 7μg g ;低钙铅染毒组血铅浓度第4天达到最大值37 2 μg g ;标准饲料染毒组与低Ca染毒组同时在第4、6、8天观察到显著的核浓缩,核浓缩在染毒第6天达到高峰。约2 0 %红细胞核浓缩,同时两染毒组的无核红细胞显著增加。观察低Ca对照组与低Ca染毒组的红细胞DNA电泳,低Ca染毒组DNA呈梯凳状,被分割成大小不等的DNA片段。结论 铅直接作用于鸡红细胞,引起细胞核浓缩。
Objective Chicks were exposed to plumbum to observe pyknotic cell death of red blood cells resulting from plumbum. Methods The experiment was divided into four groups: standard food group,toxic standard food group,low Ca control group, low Ca and toxic food group. After exposed to plumbum, in different time the concentration of plumbum in blood was measured and pyknotic cell death of red blood cells was observed. Results The maximal concentration of plumbumor in blood in toxic standard food group in the second day was 57.7 μg/g; the maximal concentration of plumbum in blood in the low Ca and toxic food group in the forth day was 37.2 μg/g; in the toxic standard group and the low Ca and toxic group, the significant pyknotic nuclei; were observed in the forth, the sixth and the eighth day, with pyknosis rate of about 20% and pyknotic peak in the sixth day after exposure to plumbum. Significant increase of non-nuclear red blood cells was observed at the same time. After DNA electrophoresis, DNA in low Ca and toxic group was like ladder shape and was divided into fragments of different sizes. Conclusion Plumbum directly acts on chick red blood cells and resultes in the pyknotic cell death. The results show that nuclear concentration of red blood cells is a step during non-nuclear procedure.
Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine