AIM:To observe the effect of absorbable fusion cage in improving cervical phys iological curvature,intervertebral space and cervical function after cervical an terior decompression,bone graft and interbody fusion. METHODS:From June 2003 to March 2004,23 patients with cervical myelopathy were treated with absorbable fusion cage in the Department of Orthopaedics,Xinqiao H ospital,Third Military Medical University.Of the 23 patients,13 were males and 1 0 females at the age of (56.6±10.7) years with the course of cervical myelopath y from 3 months to 6 years.Cervical myelopathy was mixed in 9 cases,and nerve ro ot type in 23 cases.The X ray of lateral cervical vertebrae was photographed at postoperative 1 week,3 and 6 months to observe the general recovery of cervical function,physiological antecurvature,height of vertebral body and intervertebra l space,and fusion rate.The assessment criteria:①The Cobb angles were measured to assess the restoration of cervical physiological antecurvature by antecurvatu re of Cobb angles as (+) and post curvature as (-);②The height of vertebral body and intervertebral space were measured by;lateral X ray photographs of lat eral cervical vertebrae.③Based on Odom's standard,no adverse reaction was excel lent,intermittent adverse reaction but not influencing working was good.The 17 score standard in Japanese Orthopaedic Association(JOA) was used to assess the r ecovery of cervical function and improvement rate by equal or higher than 75%we re excellent,and 50%to 74%good.④Weiler grading was employed to assess local r eaction as 0 grade(no clinical symptom and needless to treat) and Ⅰgrade(bone f usion less than 1 mm,needless to treat commonly).⑤The osseous fusion was judged by serial bone trabecula and bone bridge between bone graft and vertebral end p lates shown by frontal and lateral X ray photographs. RESULTS:According to the intention management,all the 23 cases were included i n the result analysis and followed up.①The cervical physiological antecurvature at 1 week and 6 months after fusion recovered better than that before fusion[(8 .9±2.6)°,(8.7±2.4)°vs (-3.5±4.1)°,t=2.369,P< 0.05],but that was insignifi cantly different at 1 week and 6 months.②The height of vertebral body and inter vertebral space at postoperative 1 week and 6 months were higher than that befor e operation[(35.9±3.0) mm,(35.5±3.1) mm vs (33.2±3.1) mm,t=2.476,P< 0.05],but that was insignificantly different at 1 week and 6 months.③As for Odom's gradi ng for the recovery of cervical funxtion,the excellent rate was 91.3%(21/23) an d good rate 8.7%(2/23);17 score standard in JOA was excellent in 95.7%and goo d 4.3%.④The fusion rate was 94.4%after 3 months and 100%(23/23) after 6 mont hs.⑤No obvious local reaction was found after operation. CONCLUSION:Absorbable fusion cage is effective in recovering the cervical phys iological antecurvature,remaining the height of vertebral body and intervertebra l space in a high fusion rate,and its biomechanical intensity can maintain the f usion process and benefit postoperative recovery of cervical function.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation