

Social organizaion and maing sysem of free-living prairie voles Microus ochrogaser: a review
摘要 在美国伊利诺伊州中东部地区对橙腹田鼠(Microtus ochrogaster) 进行的广泛研究基础上, 我们对该鼠的社会组织和婚配制度进行了总结。橙腹田鼠的基本社会组织由最初的雌雄配偶或者单一的雌鼠(常为一对配偶的幸存者) 与留居的后代和非亲缘成体的同居群组成。留居的后代占了原始繁殖单位之外的70%。另外, 直到至少两个留居后代达到成年后, 多数(80%) 的非亲缘个体才加入家族群。因此, 同居群的形成是以高水平的留居为基础的。雌雄配偶表现出与行为单配制有关的特征, 包括共享一个巢穴和家域, 雄性保卫配偶, 以及双亲行为(修饰, 拥抱和衔回幼鼠)。同居群的成员也保卫领域。 We summarize he social organizaion and maing sysem of he prairie vole Microus ochrogaser as deermined from an exensive field sudy in eas-cenral Illinois,USA. he fundamenal social organizaion of M.ochrogaser consiss of communal groups formed from an original male-female pair or single female (usually a survivor of a male-female pair) by addiion of philoparic offspring and unrelaed aduls. Philoparic offspring comprise 70% of addiions o he original breeding uni. In addiion,mos (80%) unrelaed aduls do no join a family group unil a leas wo philoparic offspring have reached adul age. hus,formaion of communal groups is based on a high level of philopary. Male-female pairs display rais associaed wih behavioral monogamy,including sharing a nes and home range,mae-guarding by he male,and paernal behavior (grooming,huddling,and rerieval of young). Members of communal groups also defend he group erriory.
出处 《动物学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期178-186,共9页 ACTA ZOOLOGICA SINICA
基金 This research was funded in part by grants NSF DEB 78 25864 and NIH HD 09328 and by the University of Illinois School of Life Sciences and Graduate College Research Board
关键词 橙腹田鼠 社会组织 婚配制度 同居群 单配制 Prairie vole, Microus ochrogaser ,Communal nesing,Maing sysem,Monogamy,Social organizaion
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