目的探讨男性乳腺肥大症的声像图与病理特点。方法应用高频彩色多普勒超声诊断仪对128 例临床扪及乳头深部有包块的男性患者进行超声检查,并对其中49例做手术切除,与病理对照研究。结果男性乳腺肥大症声像图有特异性,在无感染情况下与病理符合率为100%,伴有继发感染时与病理符合率93%。结论高频彩色多普勒超声在诊断男性乳腺肥大症具有很高的应用价值,是男性乳腺肥大症的首选方法之一。
Objective To discuss the characteristics of ultrasound imaging in gynecomastia. Methods We used high frequency color Doppler device to examine 128 males who had been found tumors in the deep breast. 49 cases (40/128) were treated surgically and the tumors were detected with pathology. The sonograms were compared with pathology. Results The sonograms in gynecomastia had high peculiarity compared with pathological results and the coincidence ratio was 100% without infection while 93% with infection. Conclusions High frequency color Doppler ultrasound will be very useful and should be the first choice for diagnosis of gynecomastia.
Chinese Journal of Ultrasound Diagnosis