目的 探讨整合素在体外培养的椎间盘细胞力学传导中的作用。方法 采用猪的椎间盘进行体外细胞的分离和培养,对细胞施加周期性液压负荷, 通过对细胞的形态学观察、Western免疫印迹、免疫细胞化学染色和免疫荧光,分别检测整合素α3 和肌动蛋白在周期性压力下椎间盘细胞中的表达。结果 经加压后,纤维环细胞和髓核细胞均可见体积缩小,由多角形转变为细长形,α3 和肌动蛋白在AF和NP细胞中的表达均明显减少。结论 压力抑制了整合素α3 的产生,整合素α3 将力的信号转换到细胞内时, 进一步影响到与其关系密切的肌动蛋白。
Objective To investigate the role of integrin in the mechanotransduction of cyclical hydrostatic load applied to the cells of intervertebral disc cultured in vitro. Methods The porcine lumbar intervertebral disc cells were isolated and cultured in vitro, and the cells underwent cyclic hydrostatic loading. Then the expression of integrin α_3 and actin in intervertebral disc cells were studied by means of morphological observation, Western blot, immunohistochemistry staining and immunofluorescence. Results The intervertebral disc cells were changed into smaller and flatten shape, and the expression of integrin α_3 and actin was decreased after loading. Conclusion The production of integrin α_3 was inhibited by loading. Actin was affected at the same time when signals were transferred into the cell by integrin α_3.
Chinese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation