

Analysis of Output Voltage Spectra in a Novel Asymmetric 5-level Inverter
摘要 本文研究了一种新型的不对称五电平逆变器的电路拓扑,并分析了其采用的混合调制策略。基于文中所提方案,快速器件和高压器件能协调工作。为精确测算输出电压频谱,建立了三种载波分布下的调制过程数学模型,继而运用Bennet扩展方法推导出严格的频谱表连式。文中总结了调制比全范围变化时的输出电压频谱特性。实验有力地证实了理论分析和方案的可行性。 In this paper, a novel asymmetric 5-level inverter is studied. Analysis of a hybrid modulation technique for the inverter is illustrated. According to the proposed control technique, new configuration permits faster devices and higher voltage devices operating together. In order to estimate spectra accurately, the mathematic models of the modulation process with three carrier dispositions will be built, at the same time rigorous analytic solution of spectra is derived from an extension of Bennet's method. We illustrate and sum up spectral feature of output waveform covering all operation conditions. On purpose to verify the proposed approach, a single-phase 5-level asymmetric inverter is constructed and experimental results are provided.
出处 《电机电器技术》 2005年第2期41-45,共5页
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