自制了复合固体超强酸SO42 / TiO2 ZrO2 并用以合成邻苯二甲酸二正辛酯(DnOP),探讨了酯化反应的条件。结果表明,该催化剂是合成DnOP的良好催化剂,其最佳的反应条件为:酐醇物质的量比1∶2.8 ,催化剂用量为苯酐质量的10%,反应时间3h ,在此条件下,苯酐的转化率可达98.8%。
The solid superacid SO 4 2-/ TiO 2-ZrO 2 is prepared and Dinoctyl Phthalate(DnOP) is synthesized with this catalyst. The reaction conditions are studied. The studies show that the solid superacid SO 4 2-/ TiO 2-ZrO 2 Is an excellent catalyst for the synthesis of DnOP. The optimum reaction conditions are: molar ratio of alcohol to phthalic anhydride 2.8∶1, amount of the catalyst 10% upon phthalic anhydride by weight, and the reaction time 3.0h. Under these conditions, the conversation of phthalic anhydride is up to 98.8 % .
Journal of Tangshan University