
论朱熹《诗集传》叶音对吴《毛诗补音》的改订 被引量:7

The Rhymes in Shijizhuan: Revised and Corrected by Zhu Xi on the Basis of Maoshibuyin
摘要 朱熹《诗集传》叶音是在参考吴《毛诗补音》基础上修订增补而成的,考察朱熹对吴补音的修改,可以看出三条修订意图:一是运用方言与文献语料考定古音,做到理据更充分、更合理;二是在叶音中注意韵段押韵的开合洪细和谐;三是在不违背古音的前提下尽可能地靠近诗韵。此外,改订语料里面还可能透露了新的语音信息。 Beginning from the late Ming Dynasty, or to be exact, the noted phonologist Chen (Di (1541—1617),) ancient Chinese phonology wouldn't be talked about without scholars' criticizing the Song scholars for changing the pronunciations of ancient Chinese characters casually, which wouldn't be talked about without mentioning the Song scholars Zhu Xi and Wu Yu who studied xieyun (rhyme). In terms of xieyun, it was and still is the general case, in which Zhu Xi copied Wu's. The recent years' systematic research conducted by the author of this paper has proved the case to be wrong. The author's three papers published in the national journals in 2003 and 2004 provided a clear and academic answer based on his comparative study of Shijizhuan (by Zhu Xi) and Maoshibuyin (by Wu Yu). According to Zhu Xi, xieyun was annotated by and came mainly from Wu Cai Lao. Zhu only added or deleted some xieyun, while adding some new meaning. Zhu's xieyin was based on the revision of Wu's, which was very detailed but contained some errors and mistakes and needed revision. No direct historical material could show what was Zhu's guideline for the revision and correction, which could be found out from his specific work. His thought of linguistics, implying real phonetic information in the Song Dynasty, could also be found out, which are, no doubt, of high value to the history of phonology and the academic history of language. To sum up, Zhu did a better job in the following three aspects:(1) Making the motivation of revision and correction stronger and more sufficient. Zhu did his work by employing dialects, conducting textual research, and applying the principles of pronunciation, which is also what Wu Yu did.(2) Making medials of rhymes and tones even more harmonious on the basis of ancient rhymes. One of the typical cases is Zhu's revision to those in The Book of Poetry. (3) Making rhyming words closer to the poetic rhymes without changing ancient rhymes. The real pronunciation or sound of Chinese characters in the Song Dynasty was quite different from the poetic rhymes, which were strictly followed by scholars and imperial examination candidates. Zhu preserved the established rules and made the Song pronunciation closer to the set standard. In conclusion, Zhu Xi's revision and correction prove that he did better work than Wu Yu by correcting the latter's errors and mistakes in terms of xieyin and therefore making marked improvement; and that any criticism against Zhu's plagiarism is invalid.
作者 刘晓南
机构地区 南京大学中文系
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2005年第3期57-63,共7页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 宋代 实际语音 叶音 《诗集传》 《毛诗补音》 Song Dynasty the real pronunciation(sound) rhyme (xieyin) Shijizhuan Maoshibuyin
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