
论《源氏物语》与狂言绮语观的关联 被引量:4

On the Relation between The Tale of Genji and the Views of ″Wild Words and Flowery Expressions″
摘要 产生于日本思想史与文学史上狂言绮语观盛行时期的《源氏物语》,深受中国文学,尤其是《白氏文集》的影响。紫式部的物语论与白居易的狂言绮语观有着难以割离的渊源关系,两者都针对文学被指斥为“妄言”或“虚言”的压力,极力为文学“真”的意义及文学的特殊价值辩护,从而维护文学创作行为的正当性。围绕《源氏物语》而展开的关于“紫式部堕地狱说”与“紫式部观音化身说”的论争,是狂言绮语观同一种构思的两个极端。从某种角度上说,狂言绮语观的受容史与《源氏物语》的批评史互为表里,从而对日本文学产生了深远影响。 As one of the oldest and best novels in the world, The Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari), written in the middle and late periods of Heian in Japan, was accomplished directly under the influence of Chinese literature, especially Collected Works of Bai Juyi(Baishi wenji, Hakushi monju)by the famous Chinese poet Bai Juyi (774—846) of the Tang Dynasty. As it was completed during the prevalence of the views of ″wild words and flowery expressions″ (Kuangyanqiyuguan, Kyougenkigokan) in Japan's ideological and literary history, and its author, Murasaki Shikibu (ca. 978—1014), enjoyed a close relation with the active advocators of the ideas, the work was naturally stamped with Bai's views of ″wild words and flowery expressions″. The views were the very important literary thought of Bai's, through which he solved the conflicts between religious belief, personal taste and literary pursuit. Based upon the principles of Confucianism and Buddhism, Bai defined the ″wild words and flowery expressions″, as which he regarded poetry and prose with wanton words and libertinism in love and merry-making against the established customs. Meanwhile, however, he defended for the special value and the truth of literature, because he believed that it was possible to turn vanity into truth and evil into good by way of Buddhism. Although he didn't have the pious confession of Bai Juyi, Murasaki Shikibu took advantage of ″wild words and flowery expressions″ regardless of the pressure from Buddhism. He thought that ″truth and fantastic words are ultimately the same″ in a novel, which proved his view on story writing to be reasonable. Therefore, he solved the conflict between religious belief and literary creation. Later on, based on the theory of ″wild words and flowery expressions″, there were lots of arguments about ″vanity and truth″, reflecting the two extreme views about the said theory: The Tale of Genji's falling into the inferno and being the incarnation of Guanyin (Kannon, Avalokitesvara-Bodhisattva). The former held that Murasaki Shikibu had fallen into the hell because of his creation of pornography, and he and his readers could only be saved by Bai Juyi's instructions. The latter, however, held that Murasaki Shikibu was the incarnation of Guanyin, enlightening all living creatures with his The Tale of Genji, which was based on Bai's literary thought. No doubt, ″wild words and flowery expressions″ have enjoyed a very important position in the Japanese literary history, for they have widened the influence of The Tale of Genji and promoted the development of Japanese literature.
作者 刘瑞芝
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2005年第3期85-90,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题(NM03WX26)
关键词 白居易 紫式部 《源氏物语》 狂言绮语观 Bai Juyi Murasaki Shikibu The Tale of Genji views of ″wild words and flowery expressions″
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