
阮元与段玉裁之恩怨探析 被引量:3

On the Positive and Negative Aspects of the Relationship between Ruan Yuan and Duan Yucai
摘要 纵观阮元与段玉裁交往的全过程,他们之间的“恩”是主要的,“怨”是次要和局部的。阮元对段玉裁这位长辈是很尊敬和信任的,对他的学问给予高度的评价。从段玉裁的角度而言,他与阮元的关系总体上还是不错的,他对阮元的最大不满在于段氏认为自己在参加《十三经注疏校勘记》的编写工作时,扮演了“为人作嫁衣”的角色。我们应该充分肯定段玉裁在编写《十三经注疏校勘记》时实际担任“总纂”的重要功绩,但也不能因而否认阮元在其中所起的重要作用。 Subtleties in the relationship between Ruan Yuan and Duan Yucai have rarely been researched so far. Both proficient in ancient Chinese philology, Ruan and Duan were famous scholars during the Qian-Jia period (the reign of Emperor Qianlong and that of Emperor Jiaqing) of the Qing Dynasty. Ruan, 29 years younger than Duan, had respect for and trust in Duan due to his eminent scholarship. Although generally Duan got on well with Ruan, his deepest dissatisfaction with Ruan, who failed to appoint Duan as the compiler-in-chief of The Collation of Commentaries to the Thirteen Classics, was what he did in participating in the compilation of The Collation was taken advantage of by Ruan. In addition, Duan was bitterly disappointed that Ruan only finished inscribing one of the many volumes of Notes on An Analytical Dictionary of Chinese Characters, a failure to complete the whole task Duan had entrusted to Ruan.According to the historical data and some analysis, the author thinks that there are three more causes for Duan's grudge against Ruan. First, Duan remained self-important. Second, Duan believed that Ruan should have been able to complete inscribing all the volumes of Notes on An Analytical Dictionary of Chinese Characters. Third, Duan believed that he was superior to Ruan in terms of scholarship. Given the relationship between Duan and Ruan, the positive aspects constitute the primary and most important part, while the negative aspects are secondary and less. Duan's tremendous achievements in compiling The Collation as the real ″compiler-in-chief″ should be fully confirmed. At the same time, the important role Ruan played in doing the compiling shouldn't be disregarded.
作者 陈东辉
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2005年第3期121-129,共9页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 阮元 段玉裁 清代学术史 乾嘉学派 Ruan Yuan Duan Yucai academic history of the Qing Dynasty the school of the Qian-Jia period
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