
NaCl胁迫对扁桃砧木可溶性蛋白质和脯氨酸含量的影响 被引量:19

Effects of salt stress on soluble protein and proline content of Almond Rootstocks
摘要 利用3种扁桃砧木,进行不同浓度盐胁迫处理。结果表明:石头扁桃叶片可溶性蛋白质含量在NaCl胁迫下5,10,20d后随盐浓度的增大先升高后下降,但盐胁迫20d后比其他处理区下降幅度大。脯氨酸含量各处理区随盐浓度的增大而升高,盐胁迫5d和10d后浓度为350mmol/L时达到最大值,20d后各处理区出现大幅度下降趋势,而且盐浓度为350mmol/L处理区的植株因高盐浓度,处理时间长而死亡。桃扁桃叶片可溶性蛋白质含量在盐处理5d和10d后随盐浓度的增大先升高后下降,在300mmol/L时达到最大值,20d后随盐浓度的增加有明显下降。这说明桃扁桃受到一定的盐胁迫时间后才表现出反应。脯氨酸含量均随盐浓度的增大而迅速升高,在盐胁迫5,10,20d后均在浓度为350mmol/L时达到最大值。毛桃叶片可溶性蛋白质含量在10d和20d后各处理区都出现下降趋势。但20d后各处理区的变化趋势比较平缓,差异变化不太明显。脯氨酸含量均在浓度为350mmol/L时达到最大值,而且每个处理区积累的脯氨酸含量比其它两个砧木的pro含量高。5,10,20d的含量分别比对照提高了18.64倍、9.16倍和18.10倍。这就说明蛋白质达到平衡时,脯氨酸急剧上升。通过本研究初步判断毛桃具有较强的抗盐能力。 Three almond rootstocks( stone almond, A.commans persicoides, A.Persica) were experimental materials and stressed under NaCl.The results showed that soluble protein content in stone almond leaves was firstly increased and then decreased slightly by 5,10 after 20 days. After 20 days, the range of decrease of soluble protein content in stone almond leaves was very high.The proline content in leaves increased with the strengthening of salt stress. After 5 and 10 days, proline content was the highest while salt stress was 350 mmol/L. After 20 days, its content slightly decreased in every treatment area and when salt stress was 350 mmol/L the plant died, because of the longer treatment days and higher salt stress. Soluble protein content in A.commans.persicoides leaves was firstly increased and then decreased slightly with the strengthening of salt stress after 5 and 10 days.Its content was the highest as salt stress was (300 mmol/L.) After 20 days, with the strengthening of salt stress its content slightly decreased. It is explained that A.commans persicoides responds salt stress after a while. The proline content in A. commans persicoides leaves increased with the strengthening of salt stress after 5, 10 and 20days,and its content was the highest as salt stress was 350 mmol/L. soluble protein content in A. Persica leaves was firstly increased and then decreased slightly after 5days,after 10 and 20days soluble protein content slightly went down.But there was no more difference in the soluble protein content of leaves and balance was kept. The proline content in A. persica leaves increased with the strengthening of salt stress by 5,10 after 20days and proline content was the highest as salt stress was 350 mmol/L,and its accumulation was higher than that of other two almond rootstocks and every treatment area of its content increased by 18.6,9.16 and 18.1 times compared with the control. It is explained that the proline content increased while protein reached balance.The results were suggested that A.persica has ability of salt tolerance. .commanspe eavesincreas stassaltstre
出处 《新疆农业大学学报》 CAS 2005年第1期1-5,共5页 Journal of Xinjiang Agricultural University
基金 国家自然科学基金启动资助项目(C02021003) 人事部留学回国人员科研启动基金2004年度资助项目
关键词 NACL胁迫 扁桃砧木 可溶性蛋白质 脯氨酸 salt stress Almond Rootstocks soluble protein Proline
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