
美国与1947年日内瓦会议——兼论关贸总协定机制的建立与美国贸易霸权 被引量:4

The United States of America and the Geneva Conference of 1947 —On the Establishment of GATT Regime and American Commercial Hegemony
摘要 1947年日内瓦会议是美国推进“多边自由贸易计划”的重要步骤之一。为此, 美国制定了具体的计划, 明确提出了削减贸易壁垒和取消歧视待遇的政策目标; 同时, 美国亦展开了积极的外交活动, 促成了日内瓦会议的结束和关贸总协定机制的建立, 并最终确立了美国在战后国际贸易领域的霸权地位。 The Geneva Conference of 1947 was one of the important steps for the United States to push ahead with the multilateral free trade program and rebuild the international trade order. For this purpose, the American Administration worked out a series of plans and clearly defined the goals of“the reduction of trade barriers and the elimination of trade discriminations”. On the other hand, the Administration promoted the conclusion of the Geneva Conference and the establishment of GATT regime by means of vigorous diplomatic activities. Thus, the U.S.eventually achieved its goals and established its commercial hegemony.
作者 舒建中
出处 《解放军外国语学院学报》 北大核心 2005年第3期103-107,共5页 Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages
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