目的 观察米索前列醇预防产后出血的效果。方法 选择无内外科合并症及产科并发症且无米索禁忌的单胎头位足月孕可阴道分娩的产妇 2 80例 ,随机分为 2组 ,实验组 (米索组 ) 14 0例 ;对照组 (催产素组 ) 14 0例 ,实验组在胎儿娩出后立即给予口服米索前列醇 6 0 0μg ,对照组在胎儿娩出后给予臀部肌肉注射催产素 2 0IU ,并观察两组病人产后2小时内出血量。结果 米索组产后 2小时内出血量 15 0 .2 6mL ;催产素组产后 2小时内出血量 2 80 .34mL ,两组比较 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 米索前列醇预防产后出血优于催产索 ,且安全方便。
Objective To observe preventive effect of methyl-prostone for post part um hemor rhage. Methods 280 full term parturients without internal medica l, surgical and obstetrical complications who had single fetus with vertex presentation and expe cted to deliver from vagina, were divided randomly into two groups: research gro u p(methyl-prostone group, n=140) and control group (oxytocin group, n=14 0). The parturients in research group were administrated orally with 600ug of me thyl-prostone immediately after delivery of the fetus, and those in control gro u p, were injected in musculus gluteus maximus with 20 IU of oxytocin immediately after delivery of the fetus. The amounts of bleeding of parturients in two group s within 2 hours after delivery were measured. Results The amount of bleeding within 2 hours after delivery of the parturients in methyl-prostone group was 156.26ml, and that of those in oxytoc in group was 280.34ml. There was significant difference between the two groups ( P<0.01). Conclusion For prevention of postpartum hemorrhage, methyl-prostone was superior to oxytocin and was safer and more convenient.
Foreign Medical Sciences (Section of Maternal and Child Health)
vaginal delivery
postpartum hemorrhage