当前高职教育存在重理论、轻实践 ,重知识、轻能力 ,重传授、轻创新的倾向。反映到教学计划上 ,没有脱离学科型教学计划的特征。提出了制订信息技术类专业教学计划和课程体系的设计思想 :以就业为导向 ,以职业岗位为依据 ;突出技能 ,强调特色 ,建立独立的实践教学体系 ;常抓英语学习和素质教育 ,增强学生综合能力的培养 ;贴近企业 ,大胆改革 ,与国际接轨 ;形成多层次的课程体系和培养模式。以计算机软件技术专业课程体系为例说明。
At present there exists such tendency as emphasizing theory, knowledge and class teaching while belittling practice, ability and innovation. The reflection of this tendency on the teaching plan shows characteristics of course teaching type. The authors of this paper have come up with ideas in the formulation of teaching plan and course system design for the specialization in information technology. Firstly, we should take employment as guidance and working position as basis. Secondly, we should emphasize technical ability, highlight characteristics and set up independent practice teaching system. Thirdly, we should attach great importance to students’ English studies and quality education so as to improve the cultivation of students’ comprehensive ability. Lastly, we should keep close to enterprises, carry out bold reforms and bring in line with international community so that course system and education model at various levels can be set up. Meanwhile, the authors take the course system of computer software technology as an example to illustrate the above points.
Journal of xi‘an Eurasia University