
急性冠状动脉综合征冠状循环炎症标记物的研究进展 被引量:3

Inflammatory Markers of Coronary Circulation in Acute Coronary Syndrome
摘要 炎症反应是导致动脉粥样硬化斑块破裂和血栓形成的重要因素,阐明刺激炎症发生的部位和炎性因子的来源对明确急性冠状动脉综合征的病理机制和有效的防治具有重要意义,对冠状循环内炎性标记物的研究新进展作一综述。 The inflammatory reaction is responsible for the development of acute coronary syndromes by promoting plaque rupture and thrombus formation.It is unclear whether the inflammatory process is confined to a coronary arterial bed or whether it is a systemic inflammation.Improved understanding of this inflammatory process would have important implications for the treatment and prevention of acute coronary syndromes.This article reviews current development of transcoronary inflammatory reaction in patients with acute coronary syndromes.
出处 《心血管病学进展》 CAS 2005年第3期260-261,共2页 Advances in Cardiovascular Diseases
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